Home » Automotive » Hybrid Energy Efficient Join Sign in EzineArticles - Expert Authors Sharing Their Best Original Articles Search Megan E Boyer Basic Author | 2 Articles Joined: November 8, 2015 United States Electric Versus Traditional Car Engines By Megan E Boyer | Submitted On November 20, 2015 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article According to the EPA, a majority of greenhouse gas emissions come from cars and trucks. In past years, gas from transportation is the second largest contributor. The United States' average commute is roughly 20 miles which translates to a 0.01 metric ton of carbon dioxide emitted for just one trip. Though seemingly small, this adds up fast throughout the year as everyone commutes. Out of all transportation, about 1,750,000 metric tons is emitted in a year. This statistic only includes the United States and is a dangerously high number. The consequences of all the air pollutants does not come at no risk. The large amount of carbon dioxide emitted every year is what experts believe is the cause of global warming. The warming can endanger our health and can cause extreme weather such as higher sea levels due to flooding and droughts. Because oil is a non-renewable resource, it will only become more difficult to obtain, which will make the burning of gasoline even worse. With all the seemingly negative effects of traditional car engines, there are some positives. Engines that run on gas will travel much further than an electric engine. All electric cars will only travel up to 100 miles on a full charge before needing to be plugged in again. If a consumer is not near somewhere they can charge, this can be a cause for concern to the individual. Charging stations have not become a commodity that is everywhere yet. Also, the price for a car with a combustion engine will be priced lower than that of a pure hybrid vehicle. The average price to buy the hybrid car brand new can reach up to $30,000, but a regular midsize sedan has an average price of around $18,000. Although electric vehicles are priced significantly higher than the others, they will typically last several years longer than a gasoline based car. A battery in the electric car will last up to 100,000 miles before needing to be replaced. With no engine to give maintenance to, money is saved through the lack of oil changes and upkeep. In addition, brakes will last notably longer therefore making it even more cost efficient. Lastly, and most important, zero emissions will flow out from the electric vehicle. Some emissions are exuded to make the electricity to charge the car, but it does not compare to the greenhouses gases put into the air through combustion engines. The demand for an all hybrid car has increased within the past decade, yet traditional cars still sell better. According to the EIA, electric cars sell at a very small fraction compared to gas cars. Yet, by 2040, the growth rate of electric cars is expected to be 11%, whereas conventional cars will only grow by 0.1%. Most family households are presumed to have the two types of vehicles in the future, one for traveling far distances and the other for riding around town. If these predictions are correct, transportation will no longer be a tremendous contributor of greenhouse gases and each individual's carbon footprint will not have as much of an impact on the environment. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Megan_E_Boyer/2207522 0 Comments | Leave a Comment Did you find this article helpful? Happy Face0 Sad Face0 Viewed 71 times Word count: 527 Article Tools EzinePublisher Report this article Cite this article Stay Informed Subscribe to New Article Alerts: Automotive: Hybrid-Energy-Efficient Megan E Boyer Email Address Subscribe We will never sell or rent your email address. 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