SUPERCARS SUPERCHARGED Home » Automotive » Repairs Join Sign in EzineArticles - Expert Authors Sharing Their Best Original Articles Custom Search Search Kamal Swami Basic PLUS Author | 71 Articles Joined: July 10, 2015 India Replacing the Tuning Box or Diesel Remapping: Which Is Best for Your Diesel Car? By Kamal Swami | Submitted On July 02, 2018 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Expert Author Kamal Swami Despite the fact that every car owner enjoys the pleasure of driving his personal car, there is one common problem from which all them suffer as their car gets older. In fact, this problem is not the recently grown problem but persists since the cars became popular among the masses. Well, you will agree that having a personal car is the symbol of status of all the car owners, but as their vehicle gets older there is a decline in its performance in terms of fuel efficiency or in simple words average of fuel consumption delivered by it. To combat the problem they have to undoubtedly visit the mechanic for improving the performance of their car. Interestingly, with changing time there is a change not only in the methods of car manufacturing but also in the methods of its maintenance and servicing. The cars manufactured before 2000 were mainly controlled manually and therefore the mechanics enhancing the performance of the vehicle did every task manually. At that time the mechanics mainly used to change the diesel tuning box or chip for improving the fuel efficiency of the vehicle bought for their workshop for enhancing its performance. But, as the time changed and the use of computers increased in our day to day activities, the car manufacturers started making use of the computers for controlling the functionality of different components. The tuning box or chips got replaced with the engine control unit that was placed below the bonnet closed to onboard diagnostic port. The car engine control unit had a software installed in it that controlled the whole mechanism of the car including its fuel consumption and power generation efficiency. To improve the performance of car the mechanics now have to re-write or remap the settings of the software installed in the engine control unit of the car. Remapping the engine control unit is the process of enhancing the performance of any vehicle by simply installing or rewriting the program. As the whole process is based on the computers it required the mechanics to be computer savvy and well versed with the process of remapping the engine control unit. With this, it also gave birth to debate that which process of good that is replacing the existing diesel tuning box or remapping the control unit. There is a group which strongly endorses replacing the diesel tuning box or tuning chip whereas another recommends about diesel remap. Among both these groups, there is another group that opposes both the methods and says that all of them finally decline the performance of an engine. All these debates have gradually developed a huge confusion among the car owners that which process they should adopt for enjoying improved fuel efficiency of their car. In this regard, it would be first beneficial to understand that basic difference between both these procedures. Installing: Installing the tuning box or tuning chip is the simplest method which doesn't require any expertise on the subject matter, and a person with little mechanical skills can install a new tuning box or tuning chip into your car. The only thing which needs to be kept in concern while conducting the whole operation is to install the component at the place from where it can be protected by the rainwater and electric shocks. The worth mentioning benefit of replacing the tuning box or tuning chip is that if you want to re-install your older box or chip you can easily get it installed back into your car. On the contrary, remapping engine control unit needs the mechanic to be well versed with the use of a computer for programming the software with new parameters that result in an improved performance of the vehicle. As the process is stagnated to rewriting the existing program of the software there is no need of taking the place of wiring and other components to protect them from any type of damage arising due to water or any type of electrical interference. Efficiency: Although both the process will deliver the same results, depending upon the expertise of the mechanic carrying it on your vehicle. However, there might be a slight difference in the performance, which is mainly due to the condition of the engine, as an impact of which sometimes even the cars manufactured by the same manufacturer during the same year deliver different results. The tuning box is mainly embellished with pre-installed settings, the only thing which requires to enjoy desired results is getting it installed by an expert mechanic having vast experience of installing the tuning box. Whereas, during remapping, the mechanic has to locate the maps and rewrite the news maps depending upon the condition of the engine. Servicing: Whether you are changing the tuning box or remapping the engine control unit, an important factor that you need to keep in concern is to get your vehicles serviced accordingly from time to time and drive the car according to the standards determined by your car mechanic conducting the operation. In simple words, it can be said that as there is a solution to every problem in the world, the problem of struggling with the hike in fuel prices is not an exception to it. By tuning the Economy Tuning of your car you can easily combat the problem by selling your beloved car. Article Source: 0 Comments | Leave a Comment Did you find this article helpful? Happy Face0 Sad Face0 Viewed 34 times Word count: 834 Article Tools EzinePublisher Report this article Cite this article Stay Informed Subscribe to New Article Alerts: Automotive: Repairs Kamal Swami Email Address Subscribe We will never sell or rent your email address. Repairs Article Feed Repairs Article Feed Find More Articles Search Recent Articles Which Is the Perfect Place to Buy Used BMW Parts? 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