How to build a solid relationship

Home » Relationships Join Sign in EzineArticles - Expert Authors Sharing Their Best Original Articles Custom Search Search Rosina S Khan Diamond Quality Author Diamond Author | 302 Articles Joined: December 26, 2014 Bangladesh How to Build Solid Relationships By Rosina S Khan | Submitted On December 12, 2017 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Expert Author Rosina S Khan The whole world is about people and how you bond to them. They will never remember what and how you achieved great things but they will always remember how you made them feel. So be sure to make them feel good most of the time and they will capture your heart. Starting near about you, how do you behave with the people encircling you? Let's dive into this discussion. Read on to find out. Starting with your own family, how do you react towards them? Are you pissed off or lighthearted? If you are ill-tempered, you have something to work on. You need to cool down and then start talking to your family members. You need to behave well, especially for your children because they are picking up cues from you all the time. You don't want them to grow up to ill-tempered and non-sensible adults. After getting out of your home, you will meet the doorman and probably the gardener. Say hello to them cheerfully and smile. Immediately you bond a relationship with them - that also a meaningful and promising one. When you go to the supermarket, you will probably meet some known or unknown faces. Smile and talk cheerfully, draw up on your credit card and pull the cart away to avoid chaos. If you meet friends there, be sure to strike a lovely, short conversation and be back home or some other place on your agenda. Wherever you meet people, make eye contact and smile. They will smile back and you will bond together positively. As for me, I frequently visit confectionery, stationery and pharmacy shops near my home. All the people in there have come to know me. I am always cheerful and have bonded positively with them. So they take care to hand over their best products and never cheat on me. So bonding with the people you see every day has an upside. I recently visited my aunt who lives a long distance away from our home. Last time I visited her, we struck a lively and jolly conversation. At the end she handed me a big deep blue decorative bag as a gift which I still use today for grocery shopping. Presently when I visited her, I gave her a bangles set bought from U.S and she loved them. All her three daughters are staying abroad and so when I visit her, I fill up some space in her heart and she treats me like her daughter. There are examples of people like this everywhere in our lives. We just need to know how to connect to them positively. You never know who you will come to need in a time of crisis or danger. So remember to smile at people and bond gracefully and above all, make them feel good in a way they will love and remember you. Rosina S Khan has authored this article. For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks, commendable articles, quality scholar papers and valuable blogs, all authored by her, and much more, visit: You will be glad that you did. If you would rather like to access her terrific collection of eBooks based only on fiction and self-help and download them for free, visit: You won't be disappointed and remember to like her Facebook page. Article Source: 0 Comments | Leave a Comment Did you find this article helpful? Happy Face1 Sad Face0 Viewed 97 times Word count: 479 Article Tools EzinePublisher Report this article Cite this article Stay Informed Subscribe to New Article Alerts: Relationships Rosina S Khan Email Address Subscribe We will never sell or rent your email address. Relationships Article Feed Relationships Article Feed Find More Articles Search Recent Articles Staying Present IN the Awkward Moment - True Story Bereavement - What to Say? He Wanted To Kill Himself After His Partner Left Him Wait and Let God Avenge For You Like Only God Can When Experience Gets in the Way of Empathy Those Precious Moments Missed Are Lost We Are Here for You Okay, So How Am I to Challenge Someone Who Hates Being Criticised? Instant Healing Of Your Ego Wounded Self? It Doesn't Exist Loving People Well With Boundaries About Us FAQ Contact Us Member Benefits Privacy Policy Shop Site Map Blog Training Video Library Advertising Affiliates Cartoons Authors Submit Articles Members Login Premium Membership Expert Authors Endorsements Editorial Guidelines Terms of Service Publishers Terms Of Service Ezines / Email Alerts Manage Subscriptions EzineArticles RSS © 2018 EzineArticles All Rights Reserved Worldwide


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