Home » Relationships » Dating Join Sign in EzineArticles - Expert Authors Sharing Their Best Original Articles Custom Search Search Mike Pilinski Platinum Quality Author Platinum Author | 16 Articles Joined: June 14, 2007 United States Women Pay a Great Collective Price for Their Wanton Disregard of the Male Ego By Mike Pilinski | Submitted On October 18, 2010 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Expert Author Mike Pilinski Women see the dance of courtship as a big game with a specific goal in mind: meet the man who will produce the healthiest babies and offer his protection to her. This requires a lot of shopping around on their part, something which most women of course tend to delight in (and possess a special gene for I think!). Meet some guy, date him and dump him... flirt and tease around endlessly... reject the guys you don't like, go with the guy who you finally find some "chemistry" with and live happily ever after. All the broken hearts and embarrassing rejections are quickly forgotten - by HER. Not by you of course. And because they think that men are generally dumb when it comes to matters emotional, many also tend to think that we have short memories. Actually, they think we have NO memories whatsoever beyond important stuff like box scores and football plays, or more accurately, any real capacity for emotional pain. At least not on the same profound level that they experience it. Reject a guy and so what?... the dummy goes bouncing away into the night and immediately lays his lame rap on some other chick, and another and another, until one of them finally falls for his crap and he takes her home and smashes it. He ends up with a girlfriend or not. Whoppie. What do I care about him? Just another crude, crass, selfish a-hole who will break his future wife's heart with his philandering -- or merely drive her into the depths of despair with his loveless disregard of her own emotional needs. What they don't get is the hand that THEY have in the creation of all these emotional abusers and women haters. That's right, it's their own fault so many men turn out this way. How can that be?... because they don't understand the massive power - the massive control - that the male ego has upon us. Most women probably regard the male ego as just another stupid little aspect of our dimwitted personalities, that "thing" lurking in our lunkheads that keeps us from stopping to ask for directions when we're hopelessly lost. Ha ha! What a joke. Oh, but ladies, it's no joke, this male ego. It's the centerpiece of the male existence. It's what drives us to great heights, or sends us crashing to the lowest depths of depravity. And you, girl, are the executive software writer of the convoluted source code that runs it. You, Silly Sally, doing that harmless little flirting thing with Jimmy... stringing him along and making him think that he actually has a chance with you. Making him love you and become infatuated. Only to discard him like a set of worn out tires when the guy you REALLY wanted all along - Johnny - finally asks you out to the prom. Heck with ol' Jimmy... it's Johnny I want! Jimmy can go find someone else. After all, he's just another dopey guy being led around by his trouser snake -- he'll just move on to the next tight rear-end that he sees, he didn't care about me anyway. Men have no real emotions like girls do anyway. They don't cry. Girls cry, and it's the nasty boys that almost always make us! This is where you're wrong. Jimmy has feelings alright, but he just can't express them because society won't allow it. Code of Strong Men, and all that. So Jimmy has to subduct his pain and frustration and loss and go on as if nothing happened - looking outwardly just like that uncaring fool the women think he is - but something has happened. Jimmy has developed a way to deal with his pain, all men have. How does he do it? He writes an I.O.U. A marker... a chit to be called in sometime in the distant future. Some girl he hasn't even met yet will pay the price for your little transgression. And here's why, because what women don't realize about men is this: flirting and courting and begging the sexual favors of a woman is not some cute little game to us like it is to you - we're deadly serious about it. When a man reaches out to you and offers himself when the first stirrings in his heart tell him to do so, he has just taken his ego, his most precious possession, and pushed it into the center of the poker table. Chits build up - go into storage for revenge - future women bear the cost of these rejections. Men cannot process their emotions openly, and so must subduct them where they fester and grow rancid. They are never are completely cleared however until they are processed through a vengeful, often unjustified act. This could be where a lot of your weird desires to hurt someone that you love someday in the future will come from - unfinished business that never was settled. So ladies, YOU with your collective decisions regarding men are responsible for this bad behavior that you love to rant about! Men cannot tolerate your rejections. It's not just a temporary pain and disappointment, it is a piercing lance into the very core of their being which challenges their very identity as men. And you know how insecure they can be about that (ask any gay man who made a gaydar mistake!). Women have the power of being the "chooser" in the game of seduction conveyed to them by social convention, but they do not have ALL the power. As a man you must resist projecting a "beggar's mentality" at all costs. Men sometimes make big a mistake by surrendering too much of their power by making themselves subservient to a woman's wishes -- and this diminishes them greatly. Keep this "danger zone" in mind at all times and slap yourself awake when you find yourself slipping into it. It will be especially bad if the woman is very hot or special to you in some way, this is where you will have to use major strength of emotion and character to keep from seeming like a lowly butt kiss. The cute ones will make the task even harder for you by acting somewhat unattainable. It is their test... they have the ability to filter ruthlessly for the best high status males out there, and many are not afraid to use this power to the hilt. This is the great danger underlying all we as men fear -- that we'll get oh-so-close to scoring her trust and then... BAM!... one wrong move, one misplaced comment, and our chance is blown and gone. Here is the black core of all our greatest anxiety when it comes to meeting women: not that we'll simply be rejected, but that we'll be rejected by the one that we didn't even want to take a shot at unless it was a sure thing. The near miss that would be unbearable to experience. The heartache, the regret. Play with fire and you will get burned, maybe badly. This can be the big deal breaker for many of us, why we refuse to take the chance to begin with. Some food for thought today. All you men reading this should keep all this in mind when trying to understand the nature of the many roadblocks that you may've created in your own mind which are only sabotaging your best social efforts. Mike Pilinski is the author of 2 classic books in the men's dating market... his highly-acclaimed original, "Without Embarrassment" and his follow-up: "She's Yours For The Taking". Each of these 250+ page books, newly upgraded and revised, are a masterful education for all guys in the fine art of meeting, dating and seducing women. Check out Mike's main website to see all of his books and audios on dating and seduction, plus his new video training course on educational site, called "Masterful Social Skills For Men" Article Source: 0 Comments | Leave a Comment Did you find this article helpful? Happy Face0 Sad Face0 Viewed 128 times Word count: 1,245 Article Tools EzinePublisher Report this article Cite this article Stay Informed Subscribe to New Article Alerts: Relationships: Dating Mike Pilinski Email Address Subscribe We will never sell or rent your email address. Dating Article Feed Dating Article Feed Find More Articles Search Similar Articles Sex, Ego, and Love Empowerment Through Vulnerability Paths to Empowerment Narcissism: Ancient and Modern Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: Article 5 Violent Men and the Anger That Fuels Them The Rose Room God and the Gays - Of Vice and Men (Part 4) Recent Articles Timing Counts In A Relationship To Get Love, Give Love To Yourself Does Breaking Up HAVE to Be Hard to Do? 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